20 de September de 2023

Semen Cardona sponsors and attends the 333 Experience Congress dedicated to farm managers and human resources

The technical team of Semen Cardona is taking part in the 333 Experience Congress, currently being held at the Lleida Congress Palace. It is the country’s premier event aimed to give voice and visibility to farm managers and human resources professionals in the industry.

This initiative, proudly sponsored by Semen Cardona, brings together farm managers, farm personnel, technicians, managers, and industry experts from all sectors to share real-life experiences, foster networking, and promote open communication among production companies.

What sets the 333 Experience Congress apart is its focus on real-world processes implemented on farms. It provides the perfect opportunity for participants to discover what the industry’s best are doing and, most importantly, how they can do things differently to improve.

One of the most valuable aspects of this event is the chance to forge meaningful connections and encourage open communication among the various links in the production chain.

At Semen Cardona, we take pride in sponsoring the 333 Experience Congress, which reflects our ongoing commitment to excellence in semen production and distribution as our support for initiatives that promote growth and innovation in the industry.