17 de December de 2019

Semen Cardona celebrates Christmas dinner

This past Friday, Semen Cardona‘s family met to make Christmas dinner at the Valentí Fuster auditorium in Cardona. During the evening, the objectives of the year 2020 were presented in which it is expected to continue the expansion plan. Attendees enjoyed a relaxed dinner, where there were interesting conferences, fun, and even prizes.

The evening began with a lecturer from the ESADE business school to focus and align Semen Cardona with the changes that are approaching in the new social and economic paradigm. Then, Susanna Jorge went on to explain the efforts that have been carried out in each CIA, while Orlando Cadena, manager of Mexico, explained the good results obtained in that country.

Subsequently, Eva Boixera, responsible for logistics, referred to the complexity and rigorous control of Semen Cardona‘s transport and its new routes. To conclude, Jordi Coletas, head for Semen Cardona, made a summary of the year, mentioning the challenges faced and overcame, in order to learn from them and improve.

During the evening, the CIA of Alòs, Lleida, was awarded for its good management and excellent results. There was also time for entertainment and competition, with a fun prize for the group that sang the best Christmas song, where the participants gave their best.

Semen Cardona wants to thank all attendees for being part of an exceptional human group, whose good work allows the company to be one of the leaders and referents in the sector. Without your good work, it would not be possible.