28 de April de 2018

The International Technical Meeting invites Semen Cardona to know its model in Zaragoza

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Semen Cardona participated this week in the prestigious congress on artificial insemination porcine International Technical Meeting (Zaragoza), where he exposed the keys of its technical, biological and technological model to more than 400 specialized attendees. Powered by Magapor, artificial insemination technologies provider, the event reached its thirteenth edition with the presence of some of the most important speakers in the sector worldwide, including the Technical Director of Semen Cardona, Xavier Barrera.
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Barrera made one of the presentations of the program and participated in one of the meetings, two moments in which the success model of Semen Cardona aroused great interest. It was not the first time that Semen Cardona participated in this outstanding event, but they have collaborated with Magapor on several occasions. But the good moment that Semen Cardona is going through and our plan for national and international expansion over a two-year horizon has generated great expectations.

Once again, we are proud to have the opportunity to tell our project and, obviously, be part of Magapor’s circle of trust, since they are part of ours.